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Golf in Raasepori

1. Ironworks & golf

  • Green Fee Ruukkigolf
  • Green Fee Nordcenter (Fream)
  • Accommodation in double room at Billnäs bruk, including breakfast
  • Three-course dinner at restaurant Brukspatron

415€ / two people

2. Sea & golf

  • Green Fee Eke Golf
  • Green Fee Nordcenter (Fream)
  • Accommodation in double room at Hotell Seafront, including breakfast
  • Three course dinner at restaurant GH Fyren, the restaurant by the sea

387€ / two people

3. Two nights & three golf courses in Raasepori

  • Green Fee Ruukkigolf
  • Green Fee Nordcenter (Fream or Benz course)
  • Green Fee Ekegolf
  • Accommodation in double room at Hotell Seafront or at Billnäs bruk
  • Breakfast included both days
  • Dinner in Billnäs ironworks or Restaurant GH Fyren by the sea

660€ / two people

Raasepori provides you with three different but equally interesting golf courses. You can stay at a hotel by the sea in the cozy small town Tammisaari or at a hotel in the old restored ironworks village, Billnäsin Ruukki. The stay includes one dinner at either GH fyren, an idyllic restaurant by the sea, or at restaurant Brukspatron situated in an old and charming ironworks environment.

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